Turn In with the WORD
When I finished writing Wake Up With the Word, I never imagined I had another daily devotional inside of me. However, it just did not seem right to start the day in God's Word and not finish it that way. Therefore, I sat down and began to write. Before I knew it, I had written several pages. It was then I realized a follow-up was waiting to flow out and be shared.
After all the last thoughts of our day often carry over to the next morning. What better way to cal the moments of your life at the end of each day in this hectic, sometimes unsettling world, then to focus on the comfort and strength from scripture just before going to sleep?
This devotional is written to help you get your perspective back and energize you at the end of the day, regardless of how challenging you circumstance may be. May you find the stories, anecdotes and illustrations inspiring and may you continue to grow in your hunger and pursuit of Christ as you Turn In With the Word!